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Gracie Jiu-Jitsu & Hapkido Weapon Defense

Today, do you still believe that if you call "fire" or "mayday", someone will actually come to your aid?
Not only are most people unprepared to deal with such a life and death situation, but the attack comes as a surprise! Franco Vacirca, 6th degree black belt of World Jiu-Jitsu Federation and Master Jong-Hyung, 5th degree black belt of Hapkido (Global Hapkido Federation), present us with practical and effective self-defense techniques and tactics, as well as a comparison of both styles, in the same street self-defense scenario.

Different types of stick attacks, knife attacks and firearm threats have been selected, in a mix of long, medium and short distance situations, in which you will discover how the concepts of Hapkido and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu fit together beautifully when it comes to applying our self-defense techniques.
A few hours on the tatami and training with a good "Street Smart" instructor can give you some good tips. However, to know HOW to do it, you need a good amount of time in training - no matter what style you choose, choose a style or system that teaches and trains with a realistic approach.

You will begin to enjoy the more "traditional" aspects of the style and understand that training martial arts is also about having the right mindset.
It will give you inner peace and confidence to control anger and fear, and even help you to successfully fend off attackers if you find yourself in a scary situation. 

Languages: English, Español, Français, Italiano
Running Time: 52 Minutes


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