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Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

Product SKU: EM3-102
By Steve Tarani

Who didn’t enjoy the movie scene where Indiana Jones blasted a sword-wielding opponent with his six-shooter?
If he’s got a knife then just shoot him - right?
Isn’t that all there is to it?
It always works (and looks) great in the movies, but what about in real life?
What about the real-world officers both patrol and correctional as well as other operating professionals who really have been there and tried that and it didn’twork?
Why is the “21-foot Rule” such a critical factor and what can you do to beat the odds stacked against you?
What if it really happened to you – how would you react?
Sure, you may carry a gun, but are you truly prepared to beat a surprise edged weapon attack and walk away in one piece?
What qualification drills can you run to test your skills?

Join leading subject matter expert Steve Tarani as he guides you step-by-step through this easy-to-follow tutorial on how to defeat a “knife fight” with a firearm. Scope of study includes: Anatomy of a “Knife Fight”, 28 real-world reasons why your gun may not be the first choice, utilizing the Two-second Rule, finding optimal Range and Position, defeating the Action-Reaction Power Curve, how to reduce Liability (personal injury) and Reactionary Gaps, utilizing the Second-hand Rule, shooting from Retention Position, transitions, critical on and off-range training drills, and most importantly - how to not fight but win with a gun.

About the Instructor:
Subject matter expert (SME) advisor to US FBI, US DEA, US TSA, US NSA and other agencies as well as an active federal use-of-force training contractor utilized by US DOJ, US DHS, US DOD, etc., Steve Tarani is a federally certified firearms instructor and full-time training provider of operational skills to high-profile agencies.
His programs of instruction have been accepted as standard curriculum for a number of US federal and state-accredited programs.
Possessing unique knowledge and information valuable to the enabling of security force/ LEO personnel in the areas of personal safety and rapid engagement force options, Steve Tarani is the published author of a number of books, training DVDs and trade journal publications.
Tarani is additionally the architect of the recently commissioned International Chiefs of Police (IACP) Model Policy on the carry and usage of knives by federal, state and municipal peace officers.

Language: English
Running Time: 55 Minutes


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