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$15K Karate Clash for Cash

Product SKU: RS87
115 MINUTES of the best possible traditional karate ever shot on film. The first time ever, 32 fighters enter the ring but only one will leave with the largest cash prize ever in Traditional Karate - over $15,000 dollars , winner take all. Only the best of the best were invited to compete. This elite group of fighters, European and World Champions past and present, used sweeps, hook kicks, furious combinations, and the legendary reverse punch to win top honors. One of the world's top promoters, Joe Long, a former international competitor himself, says it best when he says, "It's time to see...... who's the daddy now"'. The terrific music score is by DJ Colin Francis and it will have you movin' and groovin' to the tunes and the fightin' like never before.


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