3 DVD Box Collection Shotokan Karate Kihon Kata & Kumite
Product SKU: VPM-BOX-3
This DVD set includes 3 Shotokan Karate DVD's:
VPM-3: Shotokan Karate Kihon by Kancho Hirokazu Kanazawa 10.Dan
VPM-4: Shotokan Karate Kata by Kancho Hirokazu Kanazawa 10.Dan
VPM-5: Shotokan Karate Kumite by Kancho Hirokazu Kanazawa 10.Dan
Grandmaster Hirokazu Kanazawa was born in 1931 in Iwate (Japan) and was trained in different martial arts styles from an very young age.
Later as a student of the Takushoku University he trained under Masatoshi Nakayama and the founder of Shotokan Karate: Gichin Funakoshi.
On this videos you will get to know the 3 pillars of Karate: Kihon, Kata & Kumite Learn all the techniques that will bring you from beginner to master!
Languages: English, German, French
Running Time of all 3 DVD's: 174 Minutes
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