Mastering Karate Ashi-Waza
Product SKU: RS164
Featuring Master Hirokazu Kanazawa you will learn so much about kicking and the stances of karate your plate will be full for years trying to master these principles and techniques. He has poured it all out on the table for you to learn... Nothing is held back... it's all here: the how's and why's of all kicks from a front kick to flying kicks, plus he shows the little tiny things about stances that only a true Master can teach that will make the world of difference in your physical karate technique. You will learn why and how the hips tie the body to the stances and together make the stances and kicks the most powerful of all styles. A student of Gichin FunaKO'shi, Master Kanazawa is the man who holds the key to karate and hence the title Mastering Karate.
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