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Fight Club In the Street - Best of Sambo Vol.2

Product SKU: VPM-264

By Herve Gheldman

No need to be an Olympic champion, a body builder or a 10th Dan expert to learn how to defend yourself, you just need to be enthusiastic and eager to learn...

Learning, understanding, analyzing and anticipating is within everyone's reach.
The street is a jungle. You can spend your whole life without ever being attacked, but one day everything can change all of a sudden. Do not fear this danger, you just have to be prepared!

Many videos deal with Self Defense, but here you will learn and be able to compare different defense systems. 
It is not about whether a style is better or worse than another - there is just a style that suits you best and it's up to you to find it.
Whether you are sturdy or petite, tall or small, supple or not, beginner or expert, it doesn't matter: "Fight Club in the Street" will teach you how to defend yourself against the most common attacks.
Being a member of "Fight Club in the Street" is learning how to defend yourself rather than to Attack someone, it is knowing how to help others, respecting yourself and respecting others.

Hervé Gheldman:
National technical director and international expert. Sport Sambo Master in Russia and practicing martial arts for over 40 years, Hervé Gheldman has developped his Sambo system after many years of competition (a title of world champion to his credit) and courses worldwide.
He is a police and military expert and regularly sees special forces in their training center.

Languages: English, German, French, Spanish
Running Time: 58 Minutes


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