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7 DVD Box Shotokan Karate Kihon, 26 Katas & Kumite

Product SKU: SET-1

This DVD set includes 7 Shotokan Karate DVD's:

KB-7625: Shotokan Karate Vol.1 Basic and Intermediate Kata
KB-7657: Shotokan Karate Vol.2 Kihon & Kumite up to 1.Dan Black Belt
KB-7656: Shotokan Karate Vol.3 Kata & Bunkai Heian Katas
KB-8063: Shotokan Karate Vol.4 Advanced Katas
KB-8064: Shotokan Karate Vol.5 Advanced Katas
KB-8116: Shotokan Karate Vol.6 Advanced Katas
KB-8216: Karate Kumite - The Art of Fighting

By Jean-Pierre Fischer

Languages: English, French
Running Time, all 3 DVD's: 479 Minutes


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