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2. FMA-Festiva 2004 Das Seminar

Référence: FMA-S
Note :
In March 2004, Alfred Plath (Quick Stick) und Dieter Knüttel (ABANICO) organized the biggest FMA festival worldwide in Dortmund/Germany. This DVD gives an overview of the event. Close to 20 teachers taught 18 different styles of FMA, thereby offering to more than 600 participants from 23 countries and 4 continents the chance to choose their training from the whole range of the FMA. In an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance, the FMA-Gala was the highlight of the first training day (Gala DVD available separately), where instructors gave demonstrations of their particular styles. In this Seminar-DVD you can see training scenes from every teacher of the Festival. Here is a fantastic and unique compilation that demonstrates the versatility of the FMA.

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