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3 DVD Box Inayan System of Eskrima Vol.7-9

Référence: EM3-444-789SET
Note :
By Suro Jason Inay

Inayan Largo Mano is covered in the 9th volume, and presents a method of evasive and elusive combative tactics optimized for a long sword, stick, or cane.

This third installment of the Inayan System of Eskrima 3 Video set, Volumes 7-9, cover 2 of the “Secondary Inayan System of Eskrima Styles” and the long range “Core Style” of Inayan Largo Mano Eskrima.

Volume 7 - Inayan SINAWALI Eskrima
Inayan Sinawali is a double weapon style of Filipino Martial Arts, typically of equal length. Standardly taught and practiced with double sticks, it is equally applicable to double sword, double axe, even double knife and other weapon sets.
In this Inayan Sinawali Eskrima we cover basic patterns practiced in the Inayan System Eskrima to develop footwork, fluid movement, and the incorporation of kicking fundamentals.

3 Count Sinawali Double Sticks
3 Count Sinawali Double Sticks Advancing and Retreating Footwork
4 Count (AKA: Single Sinawali)
4 Count with Advancing and Retreating Footwork
4 Count Sinawali Male Triangle Replacing Footwork
4 Count Sinawali Female Triangle Replacing Footwork
Circular Footwork (with 4 Count Sinawali)
5 Count Sinawali Asymmetrical with Pivoting
5 Count Sinawali with Sipa Kick
5 Count Sinawali Single Stick
5 Count Sinawali Stick and Dagger
6 Count Sinawali (AKA Double Sinawali)
6 Count Sinawali Male Triangle Replacing Footwork
6 Count Sinawali Single Flip (Witik)
6 Count Sinawali Single Flip (Witik) Male Triangle Replacing Footwork
6 Count Sinawali Countering Examples
6 Count Sinawali alternate pattern methods

Volume 8 - Inayan DEQUERDAS Eskrima Drills
The Inayan Dequerdas Eskrima style is optimized for short sword and stick and emphasizes reinforced blocking as well as flanking tactics for multiple opponent engagements. This Inayan Dequerdas Eskrima video concentrates on basic blocking drills to facilitate the unlocking of more advanced material practiced in the Inayan System of Eskrima. Counters covered are both stabbing tactics as well as CQC methods incorporating the pommel counters (Punyo or Butt counters).

1-8 Angles of attack
Blocking drills 1,2 & 3
Blocking drill #2
Blocking drill #3
Hit For Hit Drills 1-3 (Sequential)
Block - Strike counters
Perry - Punyo Counter Attacks
Block Parry Defense with Thrust Counter Attacks
Hit 4 Hit Random (Stages 1-3)

Volume 9 - Inayan LARGO MANO Eskrima Drills
In this Inayan Lagro Mano Eskrima video, the long range core style of the Inayan System of Eskrima is covered. Inayan Largo Mano Eskrima emphasizes footwork and body angulation to maintain an elusive style of fighting. Typically practiced with a medium to long stick or sword, the Inayan Largo Mano Eskrima method is optimized for a cane length or 40” tool such as a Kampilan found in many provinces in the Philippine Islands.

Angles of Attack 1-9
Against Counters
The Against Drill
Aldibas / Ordibas

Language: English
Running Time: 200 Minutes

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