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Giron Escrima Vol.1 Estilo De Fondo

Référence: EM3-401
Note :
By Grandmaster Tony Somera

This video illustrates Estilo de Fondo style in the Giron Arnis Escrima system of Filipino Martial Arts.
Estilo De Fondo: estilo is style, fondo is anchor. In Filipino terminology, Estilo De Fondo means to hold your ground or anchor yourself in a solid position. This may be called a blocked or closed style, like when a door is closed, one must either use force to break in or look for other openings.
The weapon of application is a bolo knife. This style was used by Grandmaster Leo M. Giron as a back-up fighting system during World War II in the jungles of the Philippines, and is the foundation of Giron Escrima.

84 Minutes

Language: English

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