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Chinzo Machida Karate Session

Référence: EM3-905
Note :
By Chinzo Machida

Sensei Chinzo Machida's First USA Invitational Training Session
Hosted by Sensei Joseph Claycomb

Chinzo Machida is a 12 time National Brazilian KUMITE Champ, Kumite SILVER Medalist of 2006 JKA World Championships, 2013 MMA Knockout (KO) of the Year Award Winner, Brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and is the Coach of Lyoto Machida and as a team they were undefeated in 2009 resulting in Lyoto winning the UFC Championship belt.

Ground defense and escape techniques, Kicks/punches defense and counters, Timing, Distance, Combination Sweeps, Drills... much more!

Language: English

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