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Cracking The Code of Kata Pinan / Heian Sandan, Yondan & Godan

Référence: RS445
Note :
#2 Cracking the Code of Kata
Pinan (Heian) Sandan, Yondan and Godan

Now you can go beyond the simple understanding of the Pinan/Heian series as being developed by Master Itosu only for teaching school children. Building on the framework developed in DVD #1, you can deeply explore the meaning and value of the complete Pinan/Heian kata series as a developmental journey from self protection to self perfection -in and of itself!

You will learn:
-How the traditional weapons (Bow and Arrow) of the Warrior are used to express the 5 levels of self development/self defense in karate-do
-Why Pinan Sandan is the "teaching kata"
-How the creator modifies Pinan Yondan to cultivate spontaneity
-Why the entire Pinan series ends in an Eagle block-symbolizing the freedom that can be achieved thru traditional martial arts practice
-How the 5 Pinan kata tie into Miyamoto Musashi's Book of 5 Rings and Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ch'ing

A must have DVD for every traditionalist!

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