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3 DVD Box Ken Zen Ichi Karate-Do

Référence: EM3-550
Note :
15 Shotokan Katas As Taught by Sensei Masatoshi Nakayama

By Shihan Michael Berger
Michael R. Berger began his journey into “the way” as a young amateur athlete.
In 1983, he relocated to Japan and begun training with the Japan Karate Association. 
He was awarded his Black Belt in 1984 by legendary Chief Instructor Masatoshi Nakayama at the JKA World Headquarters in Tokyo.
He currently teaches in San Pedro, Calif., and continues training and teaching under the tutelage of Soke Takayuki Kubota at the International Karate Association.
Volume 1: Heian Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan & Godan
Volume 2: Tekki Shodan, Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai & Jion Empi
Volume 3: Hangetsu, Jutte, Gankaku, Tekki Nidan  & Tekki Sandan

Language: English

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