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Filipino Weapons 2 Tomahawk

Référence: KUCK-29
Note :
By Timm Blaschke, Christian Metzner & Rene-Marc Zeller

The Filipino Martial Arts, also known as Kali, Arnis and Eskrima, deal with different areas of weapon and empty hand fighting. In our series Filipino Weapons, we want to offer to interested martial artists the wide variety of Filipino weapons, their handling, different drills and their application in today´s self-defense.

Part two of our multipart series shows the art of fighting with the tomahawk.
At the beginning of this Film the focus will be on the long-end grip.
You will learn cutting and thrusting techniques to correctly handle the tomahawk and some additional drills to get a better sense of this weapon and also how to use it in the distance.
Afterwards you will see different applications. The following part deals with the short-end grip.
Again we will start with cutting and thrusting techniques followed by different drills and applications.
The last part of this film will show the switch from the short-end grip to long-end grip and vice versa.
After different cutting and thrusting combinations as well as applications by switching the grip, you will also learn two trapping drills.

Language: English & Geman

Running Time: 79 Minutes

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