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Ama No Kata 1941P by Gichin Funakoshi

Artikelnummer: L.E.T.021PB
29,99 €
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Ama No Kata & Photo Gallery 1941

By Gichin and Gigo Funakoshi

"AMA NO KATA & Photo Gallery" was also referred to as the "Heavenly Kata and Photo Gallery".
Written and created by both Gichin and Gigo Funakoshi, this book features an alomost lost Kata.
Although the Heavenly Kata shown in this book is a very basic Kata, it is a very important Kata in the history of Shotokan Karate, since it was created by Master Giching Funakoshi and his son Gigo.

First printed in the format of a two sided poster in 1941, the front depicted the Heavenly Kata and the back demonstrated several Kumite combinations.
We have taken the information from this poster and included it in this book, along with a photo gallery of over 100 rare photos, some of which have never been seen before.
Many photos have come to us from antique book collectors located in Japan, from Shotokan Karate Magazine, (John Cheetham) as well as from Hal Sharp, who was a bodyguard for the emperor of Japan at the end of WW2.

Publisher: Warrener Entertainment
Author: Gichin and Gigo Funakoshi
Format: 16 X 24 cm
Weight: 400g
Language: English
160 pages
ISBN: M0D2073634446


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