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3 DVD Box Fundamentals of Serrada Escrima

Artikelnummer: EM3-95-3SET

By Guro Michael Schwarz
World Serrada Escrima Federation

This is VINTAGE Archives Video (Very Low-Resolution Footage)

In 1979, I began instructing Tae Kwon Do/Hapkido(Moo Du Kwan) under Master Changhee Jhoon.
It was thru my TKD/Hapkido training that I developed unmatc- hed body conditioning/hardening skills.
While in the military I continued training in Moo Du Kwan and obtained my 2nd & eventually 3rd degree.

My initial introduction to the FMA came in 1985. Upon my return from the military in the early '90's.
I continued study with Serrada Escrima under Pangulong Guro Chuck Cadell III, I achieved Pangisang Guro status.
Most recently, I obtained the status of Panginoon Guro & Master Guro in the Davis/Cabales Serrada System of Escrima, Honorary GM in the D/C Serrada Escrima System and 6th Degree Black Belt in American Tang Soo Do under Master Danny Lane.

Additionally, I am the current President & of the WSEF(World Serrada Escrima Federation) throughout the Midwest and east coast. I also have recently been honored with a seat on the Board of Directors for the WMAF (World Martial Arts Federation) & WMAU (World Martial Arts Union).

My credentials are certified by the WSEF/MAI(World Serrada Escrima Federation/Martial Arts International), WMAF (World Martial Arts Federation)

USMA(United States Martial Arts Association, and the MMA (Midwest Martial

Vol 1: Drills with Alternating Footwork * Basic Stretching * 1-3 Angles of Attack * Empty Hand Translation and Application
Vol 2: 4-7 Angles of Attack * Empty Hand Translation and Application
Vol 3: 7-12 Angles of Attack * Empty Hand Translation and Application

Language: English
Running Time: 129 Minutes


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