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7 DVD Box Common Sense Street Combat - The Conceptual Series

Artikelnummer: CSSDSC-21

By Bram Frank

Here's what you get in this 7 DVD series:

Conceptual Knife:
Bram teaching some very cool Knife techniques and slicing open a piece of meat the size of your leg showing what a Knife can really do to a limb

Tactical Knife 1,2 & 4:
This was originally 2 videos over 2 hours and 20 minutes long.
I broke it into approx. 3-45 min. DVD's with chapters so you can get a grasp of what all is taught.
These DVD's will show you drills using a tactical folding Knife in the open & close position.
You will see basic cutting & manipulations and yes street applications.
There are bunches of drills including six count dexterity that are great for training.
Any yes, the cutting of meat and chicken legs - finess!

Conceptual Stick:
Bram teaches what may have called the best video on Arnis.
He shows his version of Remy Presas art.
Included is the now famous walk the blocks and 12 strikes/disarms.

Conceptual Empty Hand:
See Bram demo closed and open and his views on empty hand training.

Bonus DVD:
Bram teaching the Escalator - Once again, Bram beats up on an unsuspectiong George Denson in this 15 minute demo on the escalator.
It is a great video that shows what has now become the second generation Knife - The Gunting.
Plus on the same DVD - Bram Frank teaches on Remy Presas's floor.
This was from a seminar we attend in 2000 in Raleigh NC.

Language: English
Running Time: 312 Minutes


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