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Universal Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Teaching Kids

Artikelnummer: EM3-70-6
By Master Rodrigo Antunes

Safe, Fun & Practical Guide on Teaching BJJ to Children.

Master Rodrigo Antunes is one of the best Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners to come out of Rio de Janeiro in a long time.
Former MMA fighter and hard core Master of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu now teaches his many secrets to his native Brazilian art.

In this DVD you will learn how to teach children (ages 3-6 & 7-9) BJJ the correct way by assisting their every move.
This unique method of teaching makes BJJ safe, fun and easy for children to understand an retain all that is important in the art of Brazilian Jiu jitsu.

Starting with the basics by teaching the instructors the proper way of handling and teaching the student rolls, grips, throws, holds, locks, escapes, placement and instructors constant assisting and adjusting of students balance and comfort, playing safe games and MUCH MORE...

Language: English


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