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Classic Judo Kata

Artikelnummer: RS151
Hal Sharp has once again captured the history of Judo in this extremely rare footage, featuring the legends of Judo, Aikido, Kobudo and Taiho Jutsu. They demonstrate the katas of Judo before there was Judo, when it was still called Ju Jitsu.

You will learn randori katas Nage-No-Kata (throwing forms), Katame-No-Kata (grappling forms), Itsutsu-No- Kata (forms of five), Ju-No-Kata (Forms of Gentleness), Self Defense katas like Koshiki-No-Kata, Kime-No-Kata, Aikido, and Taiho Jutsu plus Goshin Jutsu or modern self defense.

This one DVD has so much historically important footage it is almost impossible to capture in a few short paragraphs. We guarantee you that this DVD will be one of those you will watch over and over again.
Your martial arts library wont be complete until you have this invaluable footage shot over 50 years ago.

In englischer Sprache (ohne Englischkenntnisse leicht verständlich).

70 Minuten


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