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Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Legends Vol.13 Choshin Chibana Shorin Ryu

Artikelnummer: RS619
Chosen Chibana was one of the most important figures in Okinawan Karate. A student of Anko Itosu, Chibana began his karate training in the early 1900's and his dojo training partners included names like Gichin Funakoshi, Kenwa Mabuni to mention but a few, his contemporaries included names like Chogun Miyagi, Chotoku Kyan, Taira Shinken and many others .In this DVD, which was shot in the 1960's by Mr. Taiju Lee you will see the only known footage of Master Chibana. You will see him perform katas like the Naihanchi's, Passai and several others. Some this extremely rare footage was even shot in full brilliant color making it even more spectacular. Plus there is a full interview with Mr. Lee about Chibana Sensei and much more. 55minutes


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