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Combat Shotokan Karate Vol.5

Artikelnummer: EM3-325
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Tom Muzila

This DVD contains instruction on Nage Waza (throwing techniques).
These are not judo type throws.  They are throws executed when your opponent throws a punch at you. 
There are nine various traditional original throws, using the momentum of the opponent’s punch against you.
Also emphasized are the main components of the technique and concept that make each throw effective and realistic. 
It also includes the practice and teaching of Irimi (entering techniques), which really emphasize having the right entering mentality.

Covered are various realistic and effective attacking techniques to beat your opponent to the attack the moment he decides to attack. 
This concept is almost lost today in many modern day fighting methods.

Language: English


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