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Kumite Fine Points - Sharpen the Cutting Edge!

Artikelnummer: EM3-909-2

Produced by Rick Brewer

Central States Shotokan Clinic


MASTERS DEGREE, Education & Leadership Development, UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS Chief Instructor, CENTRAL ILLINOIS SHOTOKAN KARATE ASSOCIATION Co-founder, Central States

Shotokan Kihon(basic punching, kicking, and blocking) training on a more advanced level to maximize the use of fundamental techniques.
How to be more effective by studying the power generating use of hips and legs, expansion and contraction, rotation, relaxation, focus, breathing, and more… And, using these techniques for “intercepting-type” timing for counterattacks.
Musashi’s “in one breath” concepts are applied to karate attacking and countering.
Practical reaction drills for awareness training, breaking into the opponent’s timing, and catching the opponent’s attacks at their very initiation; before they can be launched.

Chief Instructor Emeritus of the Central Illinois Shotokan Karate Assoc. (Bloomington and Illinois Wesleyan University) Co-founder, Central States Shotokan

Proper timing of attack and counter-attack in kumite training to gain the advantage over the attacker.
Modifications of basic strategy were practiced based on size of your kumite partner.
Both mental awareness and physical awareness of your opponent’s position, actions, and weaknesses were stressed as a tactical advantage.

Language: English
Running Time: 124 Minutes


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