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Shotokan Masters 3 DVD Box ISKF Master Camp Training

Artikelnummer: EM3-343
75,62 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
3 DVD Box Set Shotokan Masters ISKF Master Camp Training

With Master:
- Teruyuki Okazaki 10.Dan
- Hirokazu Kanazawa 10.Dan
- Yutaka Yaguchi 9.Dan
- Shunsuke Takahashi 9.Dan
- Masaru Miura 9.Dan
- Hideo Ochi 8.Dan

The finest modern Shotokan Masters gathered together in this top quality live-training production. Filmed at I.S.K.F. legendary "Master Camp" located in Green Lane, PA; this special 3 DVD set is a must for beginners, intermediate and advanced students.
Karate-do techniques, training principles, Budo philosophy, etc... are explained by some of the best teachers the world of Karate has ever seen. You will find these instructional DVDs a great learning and reference tool in your Karate-do training regardless of style.

The impeccable instruction and explanation of 'beyond-style' Karate elements like breathing, posture, timing, body control, kihon, kata and kumite techniques and principles by 'the best of the best', makes this DVD series a true 'collector's item' not to be missed by any serious and dedicated Karate practitioner.

Running Tine: 347 Minutes
Language: English


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