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Kapap Empty Hands Avi Nardia

Artikelnummer: BUDO-KAPAP8
21,00 €
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In our new Avi Nardia Academy DVD produced by Budo Magazine, we teach about the bridge between old school martial arts and modern CQB (close quarters battle). My experience as a Major in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) and later as official trainer for Israel's top counter terror unit taught me that cultivation of the warrior mind and spirit must be considered as the priority over simply training the body. One demonstration includes the compelling parallels between live sword Iaido and proper handling of a handgun. Firearms may be the latest advent of individual weaponry but they do not escape the timeless wisdom and logic of the old school. Another integral facet of self-defense training is intelligent body conditioning. Sensei Chris Shabazz demonstrates powerful body conditioning methods with explanations of the benefits and precautions of the exercises while Avi provides an important perspective on being intelligent when choosing training practices. In our school of teaching, high risk training is not necessary in order to develop combat effectiveness for a professional soldier, police officer, or for an office manager who is learning self defense in her free time. This DVD video is educational, inspiring, and eye opening. I highly recommend the film to practitioners of all styles, old and new. -
Languages included in DVD: English, Español, Italiano, Français


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