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O-Mei Kung Fu The 36 Elbows Form

Artikelnummer: DVD-TC009
18,99 €
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O-Mei Kung Fu The 36 Elbows Form

By O-Mei Kung Fu Academy, USA

The O-Mei 36 Elbow Form is one of the traditional close-combat fighting forms of O-Mei Mountain in Sichuan, China.
O-Mei Mountain is famous for its warriors and this is just one of the many forms of this grand Kung Fu system.
The O-Mei 36 Elbow form consists of very practical easy-to-learn elbow techniques.
No matter what your style, the O-Mei 36 Elbow Form will add to your knowledge of self defense! Demonstrated by Master Tony Chen.

Language: English
Running Time: 60 Minutes


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