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10 DVD Box Ninjutsu - Stephen K. Hayes

Artikelnummer: EM3-1426-1-10
189,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

Ninjutsu Yari, Sword, Shuriken, Kusari Fundo, Bo Jitsu + EARTH, VOID, WIND, WATER & FIRE


Vol-1 Ninjutsu Yari (Spear).
Vol-2 Ninjutsu Secrets of The Ninja Sword is all about the Ninja Sword and how it is used.
Vol-3 Ninjutsu Ninja Shuriken (Throwing Stars).
Vol-4 Ninjutsu Kusari Fundo (Weighted Chain) is a weighted chain with weights on each end.
Vol-5 Ninjutsu Secrets of The Bo Jitsu (Long Staff).
Vol-6 1425 Ninjutsu Earth Ground Holding Stability.
Vol-7 Ninjitsu “Void” Creative Knife Fighting techniques.
Vol-8 Ninjitsu Wind Evasive Movement Dragon Body the Ninja of 1500 Japan.
Vol-9 Ninjitsu Water Tactical Positioning Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu Shoden Kata 10 & 11 Ran-Sho & Yui-Gyaku.
Vol-10 Ninjitsu Fire Intercepting Response Koto Ryu Koppo-jutsu Shoden Kata 3, 4, & 5 Shi-To, Ho-Soku, Ho-Teki.

Stephen K. Hayes has spent his entire adult life in the pursuit of perfection through the study of the Asian martial arts and spiritual traditions, living and traveling throughout North America, Japan, Europe, the Arctic, China, Tibet, Nepal, and India.

Promoting the benefits of Life Mastery Through Martial Arts, he travels the world as teacher, seminar leader, and lecturer, inspiring others by translating his extensive background in martial arts and meditation into practical lessons for handling the pressures and uncertainties of life.
Students, readers, and seminar participants have reported that his teachings have brought them deep encouragement and empowerment, and inspired them to achieve new levels of success in their personal and professional lives.

An-shu Stephen K. Hayes is everyone’s image of the iconic master warrior sage.
Black Belt Magazine calls him “A legend; one of the ten most influential martial arts masters alive in the world today” for good reason.
He is peerless in his ability to share real and honest ninja combat secrets enriched by unparalleled insights from the Himalayan meditative mind sciences.
His genius is his ability to translate exotic esoteric concepts from ancient cultures into practical useful understanding for Western seekers.
His gift is his ability to deliver a complete and all-inclusive approach to personal security and personal power.

Language: English

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