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Arousing the Dragon Qigong

Artikelnummer: DVD-YZ101
18,99 €
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Arousing the Dragon Qigong

By Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang

Arousing the Dragon in the Body's Energy Pathway is a beginner's qigong practice in Taoist Style.
It regulates the energy flow through the meridian channels of the entire body.
This Qigong practice can clear your mind, relieve stress, and open the doors to the energy of the universe.

Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang is a 7th generation lineage holder of Mt. Emei Qigong, 17th generation successor of Mt. Wudang Longmen School, Dean of Qigong & Acupuncture at Guangming Chinese Medicine College, Beijing and Consultant to United Nations Qigong Society.

Language: English
Running Time: 50 Minutes


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