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Shaolin Temple Gung Fu Vol.6 - Da Hong Quan Erlu

Artikelnummer: EM3-606-6
By Shi Yanti "34th Generation Warrior Monk"

Da Hong Quan Erlu is the oldest form of Kung Fu and this is the roots of all martial arts forms as it dates all the way back to 930-1279 A.D. which is the Song Dynasty.
Master Yanti will not only teach you the form but also the proper sequences and as well the Jiang Jie or the explanation of each move in the form and with several variations and Jiang Jie for each move.
He talks about its hoistory and its importance to all martial arts and especially the Shaolin Temple.

-An Ancient Form created in the Song Dynasty 960-1279
-The Root of all Forms
-Plus the Self Defense explanations "Jiang Lie"
-Proper postures for Fighting

Language: English


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