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3 DVD Box Kickboxing Fighting Techniques of a Champion

Artikelnummer: EM3-555
49,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Kevin Brewerton

Kevin Brewerton is a World Champion several times over.
This DVD for beginners will show you the basic fighting techniques you will need to master, before moving on to his second DVD on timing and distancing.
Brewerton originally emerged from the UK Competition Circuit and became a pioneer transatlantic competitor.
He was one of the biggest names in Open Circuit competition.
His speed and deceptive techniques make him a super champion.

The two most important ingredients in free style competition are timing and distancing.
Kevin Brewerton, five time World Champion, shows how to master both of these elements in this one of a kind DVD.
His easy to follow teaching methods will have you competing at an all new high level.
Kevin is no paper tiger, he will show you exactly what made the difference for him when it came to winning first place versus second place.

Kevin Brewerton will show you his method of getting in the best shape of your life, and as he says, “Fighting Fit!” Assisted by Shiloh Klein, they show you some of the most important exercises directly related to sparring.
They will put you through a complete workout, which you can do any time.
Kevin believes that being in the best shape you can be is one of the most important factors in becoming a real champion.

Language: English


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